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1. Measuring the degree of rainfall alteration and eco-deficit/eco-surplus of rainfall using indicators of rainfall alteration approach.

2. Dynamics of Indian summer monsoon in different phases.

3. Influence of bed roughness parameter in storm surge modeling along the east coast of India.

4. Analyzing and forecasting climate variability in Nainital district, India using non-parametric methods and ensemble machine learning algorithms.

5. Fortnightly Standardized Precipitation Index trend analysis for drought characterization in India.

6. Assessing climate change and its impact on kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa Chev.) production in the Eastern Himalayan Region of India through a combined approach of people perception and meteorological data.

7. Dynamic Linear Modeling for Characterizing and Predicting the Patterns of Summer Monsoon Rainfall in Northwest India.

8. Characterization and prediction of southwest monsoon rainfall patterns in Central India as a linear state space modeling.

9. Watershed development interventions for rural water safety, security, and sustainability in semi-arid region of Western-India.

10. Evaluation of the accuracy of seven gridded satellite precipitation products over the Godavari River basin, India.

11. Manifestation of spatially varying demarcations in Indian rainfall trends through change-point analysis (1901–2020).

12. Evaluation of Spatio-temporal Variability of a Flood Using the Hydrological Process of Flood Frequency in Ghagra River Basin, India.

13. Exploring short- and long-term meteorological drought parameters in the Vaippar Basin of Southern India.

14. The effects of climate change on food production in India: evidence from the ARDL model.

15. Seasonal analysis of long-term (1970–2020) rainfall variability using clustering and wavelet transform approach in the Mahi River Basin, India.

16. Temporal and spatial aggregation of rainfall extremes over India under anthropogenic warming.

17. Predictive spatial correlation analysis of snakebites of Krishna District, India.

18. How accurate are infrared-only and rain gauge-adjusted multi-satellite precipitation products in the southwest monsoon precipitation estimation across India?

19. On the Structure of the Intermittency of Rainfall.

20. Sub-basin prioritisation using RUSLE in a Mountainous River Basin of Uttarakhand (India).

21. Application of GIS-based analytical hierarchy process for assessment and mapping of flood risk zone in the lower Ramganga River Basin, Western Gangetic Plain, India.

22. Landslide susceptibility mapping for West-Jaintia Hills district, Meghalaya.

23. Identification of water requirement to ameliorate future drought events: approach with CMIP6 climatic models.

24. Detection of groundwater potential zones using analytical hierarchical process (AHP) for a tropical river basin in the Western Ghats of India.

25. When it Rains, it Pours: Estimating the Spatial Spillover Effect of Rainfall.

26. Explanation of major determinants of poverty using multivariate statistical approach and spatial technology: a case study on Birbhum district, West Bengal, India.

27. Analyzing vulnerability of communities to flood using composite vulnerability index: evidence from Bhagirathi Sub-basin, India.

28. Climate change, flooding woes and mass exodus of inhabitants: an analysis of Kuttanad wetland ecosystem in Kerala, India.

29. Trend Analysis of Rainfall Pattern in Arunachal Pradesh (India).

30. An IoT-based system for monitoring and forecasting flash floods in real-time.

31. Modeling the dynamics of leptospirosis in India.

32. Recent changes in the climatological characteristics of daily contiguous rain areas over India.

33. Role of south-west Indian orography in modulating large-scale monsoon circulation.

34. Present and future of the South Asian summer monsoon's rainy season over Northeast India.

35. Urban flood susceptibility analysis of Saroor Nagar Watershed of India using Geomatics-based multi-criteria analysis framework.

36. Trivariate frequency analysis of droughts using copulas under future climate change over Vidarbha region in India.

37. Radar observed convective storm characteristics at the eastern edge of the Indian summer monsoon trough.

38. Major landslides in Kerala, India, during 2018–2020 period: an analysis using rainfall data and debris flow model.

39. On rogue La Niñas, with below-average monsoon rainfall.

40. Evaluation of bivariate statistical and hybrid models for the preparation of flood hazard susceptibility maps in the Brahmani River Basin, India.

41. Observed increase in the peak rain rates of monsoon depressions.

42. Regional and temporal variability of Indian summer monsoon rainfall in relation to El Niño southern oscillation.

43. A Study of Aerosol–Cloud Variability under Different Rainfall Scenarios over Western India and the Arabian Sea.

44. Sensitivity of the Indian Summer monsoon rainfall to land surface schemes and model domain in a regional climate model 'RegCM'.

45. Unravelling the roles of orbital forcing and oceanic conditions on the mid-Holocene boreal summer monsoons.

46. GIS-based landslide susceptibility zonation (LSZ) mapping of Darjeeling Himalaya, India using weights of evidence (WoE) model.

47. Lightning Activity Variability with Prevailing Weather Parameters and Aerosol Loading Over Dry and Wet Regions of India.

48. A Comparative Assessment of Metaheuristic Optimized Extreme Learning Machine and Deep Neural Network in Multi-Step-Ahead Long-term Rainfall Prediction for All-Indian Regions.

49. Comparative evaluation of high-resolution rainfall products over South Peninsular India in characterising precipitation extremes.

50. Influence of Land Surface Temperature and Rainfall on Surface Water Change: An Innovative Machine Learning Approach.