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1. A Case for For-Profit Private Higher Education in India. Research & Occasional Paper Series: CSHE.8.2022

2. Annual Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Papers and Selected Papers on the Practice of Educational Communications and Technology Presented Online and On-Site during the Annual Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (45th, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2022). Volumes 1 and 2

3. Teachers and Beyond: A Mapping of Prominent Education Workforce Tools and Frameworks. Working Paper

4. Catching up on Lost Learning Opportunities: Research and Policy Evidence on Key Learning Recovery Strategies. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 292

5. Loud and Clear: Effective Language of Instruction Policies for Learning. A World Bank Policy Approach Paper

6. India's Policy on Early Childhood Education: Lessons for a Gender-Transformative Early Childhood in India. Echidna Global Scholars Program, Policy Paper

7. The Spillovers of Employment Guarantee Programs on Child Labor and Education. Policy Research Working Paper 9106

8. Equivalent Years of Schooling: A Metric to Communicate Learning Gains in Concrete Terms. Policy Research Working Paper 8752

9. Exploring a Multi-Country Partnership through a 'Zero Waste' Project. Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning Practitioner Research Fund Paper 8

10. Giving Girls Wings to Fly: Tools to Empower Adolescent Girls in Rural Communities in India. Echidna Global Scholars Program, Working Paper

11. Early Mathematics Counts: Promising Instructional Strategies from Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Occasional Paper. RTI Press Publication OP-0055-1807

12. IFLA General Conference, 1992. Division of Bibliographic Control: Section on Classification and Indexing; Section on Cataloguing. Papers.

13. What Perceptions Do Children Involved in an Active School Partnership with a School in India Have of the Country? Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning. Practitioner Research Fund Paper 1

14. A Tool to Capture Learning Experiences during COVID-19: The PISA Global Crises Questionnaire Module. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 232

15. Claiming the Promise of Place-Based Education. Occasional Paper Series 33

16. COVID-19 Learning Loss and Recovery: Panel Data Evidence from India. Working Paper 30552

17. The Economic Impacts of Learning Losses. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 225

18. Massive Open Online Courses: The Emerging Landscape of Digital Learning in India. IIEP Foresight Papers

19. Increasing Choice or Inequality? Pathways through Early Education in Andhra Pradesh, India. Working Papers in Early Childhood Development, No. 58. Studies in Early Childhood Transitions

20. Equity and Quality? Challenges for Early Childhood and Primary Education in Ethiopia, India and Peru. Working Papers in Early Childhood Development, No. 55. Studies in Early Childhood Transitions

21. Australia and India: Facing the Twenty-First Century Skills Challenge. Conference Paper

22. Experimentally Validating Welfare Evaluation of School Vouchers: Part I. Working Paper 29077

23. International Trends in Private Higher Education and the Indian Scenario. Research & Occasional Paper Series: CSHE.11.05

24. Fostering Opportunities to Learn at an Accelerated Pace: Why Do Girls Benefit Enormously? Working Paper

25. Indian Private Higher Education in Comparative Perspective. PROPHE Working Paper Series. WP No. 13

26. Early Childhood Transitions Research: A Review of Concepts, Theory, and Practice. Working Papers in Early Childhood Development, No. 48

27. Access through Private Higher Education: 'Global Patterns and Indian Illustrations'. PROPHE Working Paper Series. WP No. 11

28. Entrepreneurial University: India's Response. Research & Occasional Paper Series: CSHE.2.08

29. Affirmative Action in Higher Education in India and the US: A Study in Contrasts. Research & Occasional Paper Series: CSHE.10.06

30. IFLA General Conference, 1992. Division of Libraries Serving the General Public: Section on Children's Libraries; Section on Libraries for the Blind; Section on Public Libraries. Papers.

31. IFLA General Conference, 1992. Contributed Papers.

32. IFLA General Conference, 1992. Division of Management and Technology: Audiovisual Media (RT); Section on Library Services to Multicultural Populations; Section on Library Buildings and Equipment; Section on Information Technology; Management of Library Associations (RT); Section on Statistics. Papers

33. IFLA General Conference, 1992. Division of General Research Libraries: Section on National Libraries; Section on Parliamentary Libraries; Section on University Libraries and Other General Research Libraries. Papers.

34. IFLA General Conference, 1992. Division of Education and Research: Editors of Library Journals (RT); Section on Research in Reading; Section on Women's Interest in Librarianship; Section on Education and Training; Continuing Professional Education (RT); Section on Library Theory and Research. Papers.

35. IFLA General Conference, 1992. Division of Libraries Serving the General Public: Section on Library Services to Multicultural Populations; Section on School Libraries; Section on Public Libraries. Papers.

36. IFLA General Conference, 1992. Division of Collections and Services: Section on Acquisition and Exchange; Section on Serial Publications; Section on Interlending and Document Delivery. Papers.

37. IFLA General Conference, 1992. Division of Libraries Serving the General Public: Open Forum; Section on Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons; INTAMEL (RT); Mobile Libraries (RT). Papers.

38. Poverty Alleviation, Work and Adult Learning. Report of the UIE Round Table Held during the International Congress on Vocational Education and Training (2nd, Seoul, Korea, April 26-30, 1999). UIE Working Paper.

39. The Virtual Research and Extension Communication Network (VRECN): An Interactive Learning and Communication Network for Research and Extension Personnel. Concept Paper for the Food & Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO).

40. Policy and Practice in Initial Teacher Training. Quality in Basic Education: Professional Development of Teachers. Papers Presented at a South Asian Colloquium on Teacher Training (Colombo, Sri Lanka, April 1992).

41. IFLA General Conference, 1992. Division of Special Libraries: Section on Art Libraries; Section on Geography and Map Libraries; Section on Government Libraries; Section on Science and Technology Libraries. Papers.

42. The Waning of America's Higher Education Advantage: International Competitors Are No Longer Number Two and Have Big Plans in the Global Economy. Research & Occasional Paper Series: CSHE.9.06

43. School Report Cards: Some Recent Experiences. Working Paper

44. Changes in Returns to Education in India, 1983-94: By Gender, Age-Cohort and Location. Center Discussion Paper.

45. Can You Hear Me? The Right of Young Children to Participate in Decisions Affecting Them. Working Papers in Early Childhood Development, No. 36

46. Papers in European Language Policy. ROLIG-papir 53.

47. Initial Teacher Training: South Asian Approaches. Quality in Basic Education: Professional Development of Teachers. Papers Prepared for a South Asian Colloquium on Teacher Training in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka (Colombo, Sri Lanka, April 1992).

48. Women and Literacy Development in the Third World. Papers Presented at an International Seminar on Women and Literacy Development--Constraints and Prospects (Linkoping, Sweden, August 1991).

49. Migrants of the Information Age: Indian and Mexican Engineers and Regional Development in Silicon Valley. Working Paper No. 16.

50. The Impact of Training on Women's Micro-Enterprise Development. Education Research Paper. Knowledge & Research.