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1. A market-based framework for CO2 emissions reduction in China's civil aviation industry.

2. Restricting factors for promoting electric vehicles: Evidence from China.

3. Numerical analysis of a negative emission technology of methane to mitigate climate change.

4. How does natural disasters affect China agricultural economic growth?.

5. How does the natural disasters affect urban-rural income gap? Empirical evidence from China.

6. Dengue transmission under future climate and human population changes in mainland China.

7. The influence of North Atlantic sea surface temperature fluctuations on the climate of the Qinling-Bashan Mountains, China based on a 250 year tree-ring record.

8. A fuzzy evidential reasoning-based model for evaluating resilience of ports to typhoons.

9. Mid to late Holocene climate changes and grazing activities in northern Loess Plateau, China.

10. Carbon footprint of household meat consumption in China: A life-cycle-based perspective.

11. Crossing of the Hu line by Neolithic population in response to seesaw precipitation changes in China.

12. The rise of biogenic silicon cycling and microbial silicification promoted Mesoproterozoic chert deposition.

13. Pollen-based seasonal temperature reconstruction in Northeast China over the past 10,000 years, and its implications for understanding the Holocene Temperature Conundrum.

14. The impact of climate change on the sustainable development of regional economy.

15. Mapping the potential spatial distribution for offshore finfish aquaculture in China under climate change.

16. How would co-opetition with dry ports affect seaports' adaptation to disasters?

17. An integrated chronological study on the Quaternary sedimentary sequences of the Yangtze River delta, China.

18. Climate change reshapes bioclimatic environments in China's dry–wet transition zones.

19. Power generation expansion planning considering natural disaster scenarios under carbon emission trajectory constraints.

20. Recycling potential and development strategies of high-tech metals for low-carbon energy technologies.

21. Response of late Holocene vegetation to abrupt climatic events on the northwestern coast of the Bay of Bohai, China.

22. Periodic hydroclimate variations during the first half of the Holocene in the Luoyang Basin: Evidence from the Tiancun paleolake sedimentary sequence.

23. Exploring the competitive evolution of global wood forest product trade based on complex network analysis.

24. Rise and fall of complex societies in the Yiluo region, North China: The spatial and temporal changes.

25. Life cycle evaluation of greenhouse gas emissions of a highway tunnel: A case study in China.

26. Decoupling sectoral economic output from carbon emissions on city level: A comparative study of Beijing and Shanghai, China.

27. Prospective on energy related carbon emissions peak integrating optimized intelligent algorithm with dry process technique application for China's cement industry.

28. Temperature reconstruction based on 361 year old dendrochronology of Platycladus orientalis (L.) franco in the Wula Mountains, China.

29. Cost of high-level flooding as a consequence of climate change driver?: A case study of China's flood-prone regions.

30. Palaeoenvironmental changes in the Late Triassic lacustrine facies of the Ordos Basin of Northwest China were driven by multistage volcanic activity: Implications for the understanding the Carnian Pluvial Event.

31. Vegetation response to climate change and human activity in southwestern China since the Last Glacial Maximum.

32. China's Zero-Coal Power System Future.

33. Political uncertainty and carbon emission trading: Evidence from China.

34. The effect of climate change on firms' debt financing costs: Evidence from China.

35. Spatiotemporal dynamics of flood regulation service under the joint impacts of climate change and Urbanization: A case study in Baiyangdian Lake Basin, China.

36. Climate change and human migration: Perspectives for environmentally sustainable societies.

37. Monitoring the vegetation activity in China using vegetation health indices.

38. Effect of air pollution on the stock yield of heavy pollution enterprises in China's key control cities.

39. Relationship between climate change and low-carbon agricultural production: A case study in Hebei Province, China.

40. Evaluation of CO2 and SO2 synergistic emission reduction: The case of China.

41. Optimal configuration of double carbon energy system considering climate change.

42. Spring photosynthetic phenology of Chinese vegetation in response to climate change and its impact on net primary productivity.

43. ENSO-related East Asian climate transition at ~ 3600 B.P. and its implications for the rise of pastoralism in North China.

44. Concurrent response of tree growth and grain productivity to climate change: A case study from climatic transition zone in central China.

45. Climatic variability during the 4.2 ka event: Evidence from a high-resolution pollen record in southeastern China.

46. The Shanxi Formation responses to astronomically forced climate changes during the Upper Paleozoic in the Eastern Ordos Basin, NW China.

47. The allowance mechanism of China’s carbon trading pilots: A comparative analysis with schemes in EU and California.

48. Climate-sensitive tree height-diameter models for mixed forests in Northeastern China.

49. Optically stimulated luminescence dating of late Quaternary loess deposits in the coastal region of North China: Provenance and paleoclimatic implications.

50. Oasification: An unable evasive process in fighting against desertification for the sustainable development of arid and semiarid regions of China.