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1. Comment arising from a paper by Wittmer et al.: hypothesis testing for top-down and bottom-up effects in woodland caribou population dynamics.

2. Atmospheric change alters foliar quality of host trees and performance of two outbreak insect species.

3. Elevated CO interacts with herbivory to alter chlorophyll fluorescence and leaf temperature in Betula papyrifera and Populus tremuloides.

4. Commentary: do we have a consistent terminology for species diversity? We are on the way.

5. Commentary: Do we have a consistent terminology for species diversity? Back to basics and toward a unifying framework.

6. Latitude affects degree of advancement in laying by birds in response to food supplementation: a meta-analysis.

7. Dimensional approaches to designing better experimental ecosystems: a practitioners guide with examples.

8. Scaling from plot experiments to landscapes: studying grasshoppers to inform forest ecosystem management.

9. Seed, dispersal, microsite, habitat and recruitment limitation: identification of terms and concepts in studies of limitations.

10. Analytical error in stable isotope ecology.

11. Lichen palatability depends on investments in herbivore defence.

12. Nitrogen uptake and turnover in riparian woody vegetation.

14. Grouping plant species by shared native range, and not by native status, predicts response to an exotic herbivore.

15. Dietary relationships among coexisting anuran amphibians: a worldwide quantitative review.

16. N fixation estimates in real-time by cavity ring-down laser absorption spectroscopy.

17. Dew water isotopic ratios and their relationships to ecosystem water pools and fluxes in a cropland and a grassland in China.

18. Benchmarks in organism performance and their use in comparative analyses.

19. Termite mound emissions of CH and CO are primarily determined by seasonal changes in termite biomass and behaviour.

20. Modelling the effect of directional spatial ecological processes at different scales.

21. Tracking plant physiological properties from multi-angular tower-based remote sensing.

22. Consequences of local Allee effects in spatially structured populations.

23. Comment on 'The blind men and the elephant: the impact of context and scale in evaluating conflicts between plant hydraulic safety and efficiency' by Meinzer et al. (2010).

24. Northward migrating trees establish in treefall gaps at the northern limit of the temperate-boreal ecotone, Ontario, Canada.

25. The role of pollen limitation on the coexistence of two dioecious, wind-pollinated, closely related shrubs in a fluctuating environment.

26. Contrasting patterns of morphological and physiological differentiation across insular environments: phenotypic variation and heritability of light-related traits in Olea europaea.

27. Effects of sap-feeding insect herbivores on growth and reproduction of woody plants: a meta-analysis of experimental studies.

28. The role of habitat quality in fragmented landscapes: a conceptual overview and prospectus for future research.

29. A consistent terminology for quantifying species diversity?

30. Temporal differences in food abundance promote coexistence between two congeneric passerines.

31. Ectomycorrhizal fungi and their enzymes in soils: is there enough evidence for their role as facultative soil saprotrophs?

32. Saprotrophic capabilities as functional traits to study functional diversity and resilience of ectomycorrhizal community.

33. Complexity in water and carbon dioxide fluxes following rain pulses in an African savanna.

34. Engineering novel habitats on urban infrastructure to increase intertidal biodiversity.

35. Juggling carbon: allocation patterns of a dominant tree in a fire-prone savanna.

36. Quantifying the effects of seed arrival and environmental conditions on tropical seedling community structure.

37. Conservation of nitrogen increases with precipitation across a major grassland gradient in the Central Great Plains of North America.

38. Palatability to a generalist herbivore, defence and growth of invasive and native Senecio species: testing the evolution of increased competitive ability hypothesis.

39. Species effects on ecosystem processes are modified by faunal responses to habitat composition.

40. Relative importance of host plant patch geometry and habitat quality on the patterns of occupancy, extinction and density of the monophagous butterfly Iolana iolas.

41. Wavelet analysis of ecological time series.

42. Tri-trophic consequences of UV-B exposure: plants, herbivores and parasitoids.

43. Population structure, physiology and ecohydrological impacts of dioecious riparian tree species of western North America.

44. The effect of forest type on throughfall deposition and seepage flux: a review.

45. Getting out alive: how predators affect the decision to metamorphose.

46. Tree species diversity influences herbivore abundance and damage: meta-analysis of long-term forest experiments.

47. Nonadditive effects of flower damage and hummingbird pollination on the fecundity of Mimulus luteus.

48. Climate change and condition of herring ( Clupea harengus) explain long-term trends in extent of skipped reproduction.

49. Can occupancy patterns be used to predict distributions in widely separated geographic regions?

50. Nitrogen response efficiency increased monotonically with decreasing soil resource availability: a case study from a semiarid grassland in northern China.