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1. Changes in Soil Moisture Persistence in China over the Past 40 Years under a Warming Climate.

2. Climate Model Biases and Modification of the Climate Change Signal by Intensity-Dependent Bias Correction.

3. A Comparison of Daily Temperature-Averaging Methods: Spatial Variability and Recent Change for the CONUS.

4. Changes of the Tropical Tropopause Layer under Global Warming.

5. Ensemble Averaging and Mean Squared Error.

6. Sensitivity of Twentieth-Century Sahel Rainfall to Sulfate Aerosol and CO2 Forcing.

7. Impact of Changes in Climate and Halocarbons on Recent Lower Stratosphere Ozone and Temperature Trends.

8. The Spatiotemporal Structure of Twentieth-Century Climate Variations in Observations and Reanalyses. Part I: Long-Term Trend.

9. The Physical Basis for Predicting Atlantic Sector Seasonal-to-Interannual Climate Variability.

10. Predictability of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index in Kenya and Potential Applications as an Indicator of Rift Valley Fever Outbreaks in the Greater Horn of Africa.

11. A Comparison of the Influence of Additive and Multiplicative Stochastic Forcing on a Coupled Model of ENSO.

12. The Energetics of Ocean Heat Transport.

13. Barry Saltzman and the Theory of Climate.

14. A Five-Century Reconstruction of Hawaiian Islands Winter Rainfall.

15. Evaluating Simulated Fraction of Attributable Risk Using Climate Observations.

16. The Effects of Gridding Algorithms on the Statistical Moments and Their Trends of Daily Surface Air Temperature*.

17. Seasonal Drought in the Greater Horn of Africa and Its Recent Increase during the March-May Long Rains.

18. Broadening the Spatial Applicability of Paleoclimate Information-A Case Study for the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia.

19. Long-Term Climate Change Commitment and Reversibility: An EMIC Intercomparison.

20. The Polar Marine Climate Revisited.

21. Estimating Central Equatorial Pacific SST Variability over the Past Millennium. Part I: Methodology and Validation.

22. Observational and Synoptic Analyses of the Winter Precipitation Regime Change over Utah.

23. The Role of Regional SST Warming Variations in the Drying of Meso-America in Future Climate Projections**.

24. A Global View on the Wind Sea and Swell Climate and Variability from ERA-40.

25. The North Pacific Climate Transitions of the Winters of 1976/77 and 1988/89.

26. Two Limits of Initial-Value Decadal Predictability in a CGCM.

27. Pollen-Based Quantitative Reconstruction of Holocene Climate Changes in the Daihai Lake Area, Inner Mongolia, China.

28. On the Variability of the Global Net Radiative Energy Balance of the Nonequilibrium Earth.

29. Changes in Climate at High Southern Latitudes: A Unique Daily Record at Orcadas Spanning 1903–2008.

30. A Simple Model of Climatological Rainfall and Vertical Motion Patterns over the Tropical Oceans.

31. Quantifying Carbon Cycle Feedbacks.

32. An Analysis of Tropical Ocean Diurnal Warm Layers.

33. Understanding Land–Sea Warming Contrast in Response to Increasing Greenhouse Gases. Part I: Transient Adjustment.

34. Dynamics of Late Spring Rainfall Reduction in Recent Decades over Southeastern China.

35. Energy of Midlatitude Transient Eddies in Idealized Simulations of Changed Climates.

36. Arctic Climate Change as Manifest in Cyclone Behavior.

37. Robustness of Future Changes in Local Precipitation Extremes.

38. Quantifying Climate Feedbacks Using Radiative Kernels.

39. Long-Term Climate Commitments Projected with Climate–Carbon Cycle Models.

40. Assessing Bias and Uncertainty in the HadAT-Adjusted Radiosonde Climate Record.

41. An Observing System Simulation Experiment for an Optimal Moored Instrument Array in the Tropical Indian Ocean.

42. The South Asian Summer Monsoon and Its Relationship with ENSO in the IPCC AR4 Simulations.

43. The Detection and Attribution of Climate Change Using an Ensemble of Opportunity.

44. Seasonal-to-Decadal Predictability and Prediction of North American Climate—The Atlantic Influence.

45. A Review of Predictability Studies of Atlantic Sector Climate on Decadal Time Scales.

46. Twentieth-Century Surface Air Temperature over China and the Globe Simulated by Coupled Climate Models.

47. Atlantic Climate Variability and Predictability: A CLIVAR Perspective.

48. Climatological Extremes of Simulated Annual Mean Rainfall.

49. Climate and Tropical Cyclone Activity: A New Model Downscaling Approach.

50. Reexamination of the Observed Decadal Variability of the Earth Radiation Budget Using Altitude-Corrected ERBE/ERBS Nonscanner WFOV Data.