
Showing total 16 results
16 results

Search Results

1. Convergent innovation for sustainable economic growth and affordable universal health care: innovating the way we innovate.

2. Convergent innovation for affordable nutrition, health, and health care: the global pulse roadmap.

3. Race, socioeconomic status, and health: Complexities, ongoing challenges, and research opportunities.

4. Resource conflict and cooperation between human host and gut microbiota: implications for nutrition and health.

5. Toward an integrated approach to nutritional quality, environmental sustainability, and economic viability: research and measurement gaps.

6. Agriculture, nutrition, and health in global development: typology and metrics for integrated interventions and research.

7. Cost-benefit analysis of a micronutrient supplementation and early childhood stimulation program in Nicaragua.

8. Blunted diurnal decline of cortisol among older adults with low socioeconomic status.

9. Health consequences of reproductive aging: a commentary.

10. Measurement of inflammation and oxidative stress following drastic changes in air pollution during the Beijing Olympics: a panel study approach.

11. Using team science to address health disparities: MacArthur network as case example.

12. Health disparities across the lifespan: Meaning, methods, and mechanisms.

13. Nutrition, Inflammation, and Cognitive Function.

14. Solid-Waste Management Practices of Households in Manila, Philippines.

15. Are We Getting Healthier As We Grow Older?

16. Retirement Planning and Expectations of Australian Babyboomers.